3 year agoThe president @lopezobrador_ confirmed that there are detainees for the abandonment of 10 bodies in front of the Government Palace of Zacatecas and presumed that the decrease in homicides continues in that state
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 16 km N of Pijijiapan, Mexico
The murder of the former president of Tomatlán, Jorge Luis Tello, is already being investigated by the Jalisco State Prosecutor's Office / @FiscaliaJal, an instance that confirmed it was a direct attack against the former public official By Esther Armenta / @LetraFria
Mexico closed the last day of 2021 with 80 murders, to add 2,274 in December. The states with the most victims of intentional homicide were: Puebla, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacán and Nuevo León.
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 102 km W of La Libertad, Mexico
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 98 km W of La Libertad, Mexico
3 year agoSeven drunken bank police officers arrested and two preventive police officers injured by blows left a fight between elements of the @SSC_CDMX at a point of the breathalyzer located at the corner of Congreso de la Unión and Canal del Norte in the Janitzio neighborhood in Venustiano Carranza
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 6 km NW of Aquiles Serdán, Mexico
AlertSantaFe: The earlier police investigation on Hopewell Street has concluded. Thank you for your patience
AlertSantaFe: Active police investigation in the 2001 block of Hopewell Street. Please avoid the area and seek an alternate route
3 year agoRemains of 6 migrants who died in an accident in Chiapas are handed over to be repatriated
AlertSantaFe: Southbound Cerrillos Rd. at Las Soleras Dr. is closed to Herrera Dr. due to a police investigation. Please avoid the area
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 104 km W of La Libertad, Mexico
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 111 km W of La Libertad, Mexico
Police seized aircraft with 247 kilos of cocaine in Chiapas Mexico
3 year agoA 29-year-old subject was killed with a firearm on Betzaida Street and Hacienda de Tala, in Colonel El Vergel in Guadalajara. At least four heavy-gauge casings were left at the crime scene.
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 10 km SSW of Nueva Sesecapa, Mexico
Migrants from the caravan protested in Mexico City over the death of 55 people in a fatal accident in Chiapas
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Baja California, Mexico
3 year agoSmoke over "Don Goyo" now
3 year agoRoof of shopping center in Tijuana collapses and kills one person Firefighters evicted 600 people and report 6 people injured
Two vehicles that attempted to speed past a California border crossing before an officer opened fire were carrying a total of 18 Russian immigrants, including several young children
3 year ago4 injured the balance of the collision of a van against the back of a trailer in carrt. GDL Ameca in the area of the Tala jets in Tala, Jalisco. In the place work emergency bodies.
3 year agoEarthquake Detected by @REDSkyAlert with mild intensity in Tapachula, Chiapas
Earthquake of magnitude 5.7 - 5 km S of El Pacayal, Mexico
Michoacán Intentional homicides have been on the rise in the last two decades. In 2021 there are at least 2,300 murders, of which some 230 women have been the victims, so there are at least 150 orphans so far this year
3 year agoMotorized hitmen last night caught up with a man aboard a yellow Camaro who was shot to death in Colonia Solidaridad. It was a reckoning
A cargo truck jammed with people who appeared to be Central American migrants rolled over and crashed into a pedestrian bridge over a highway in southern Mexico on Thursday, killing at least 53 people and injuring dozens more, authorities reported
Gunfire broke out on a beach in Mexico's Caribbean coast resort of Cancun, but authorities said nobody was apparently injured
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 92 km W of La Libertad, Mexico